
Got Paid and a Raise? Hurrah! 老闆加薪!英文說對了嗎?


1. I got increased pay today! (x)我今天加薪了!

2. My boss paid me today. (x)今天領薪水。

3. Congratulations for your promotion! (x)恭喜你升遷!

4. I got bigger bonus this month. (x)我這個月獎金比較多。

5. I hope I will get both bonus and increased pay. (x)真希望我能拿到獎金又加薪。

6. His good work made the boss recognize him. (x)他的工作表現獲得了老闆的賞識。


1. I got a raise today.

這是「被加薪」最精簡的講法。不需用increased當形容詞放在pay前。也可說I got higher pay today.

2. It's payday.

直接用payday(發薪日)就可完整說出「今天領薪水」。口語中,也可說I am getting paid today. 用pay動詞的被動用法來表達get paid (領薪水)。

3. Congratulations on your promotion!

雖然for有表明原因的意思,例Thank you for helping me out. 但「恭喜別人」congratulations後面需用on,再加上原因。這句也可說成更簡單的Congratulations! You got promoted!

4. I got a bigger bonus this month.

這句乍看像沒問題,但要小心bonus (紅利、績效、獎金)是一筆一筆的來算,要加上冠詞a。

5. I hope I will get both a higher bonus and higher pay.

承上句,bonus是一筆筆來看,在英文裡是可數的。反觀pay卻不可數,要表達「加薪」,英文只需說 I got higher pay. 或 I got a raise.

6. His hard work has gained the recognition of the boss.

這個字recognition (認可、賞識),在英文注重時態的邏輯裡,需要用到完成式has gained來清楚表達「老闆目前已認可此人的表現」。

作者: 吳青樺


A Bad Hair Day? 是三千煩惱絲讓你抓狂了嗎?


某國際時尚雜誌曾統計並分析各國女性最在意的外觀部分,亞洲女性追求白皙無暇的肌膚(fair skin);而北美洲女性則是對於髮型有相當程度的偏執!不過,當美國人說 "I had a bad hair day!” 可不一定在抱怨他的髮型有多糟多亂!頂著一頭亂髮出門見人,的確讓人心情不佳,甚至影響一整天的辦事效率,口語中衍生出了這個和頭髮相關的俚語來形容--「諸事不順的一天」!

I had a bad hair day! First, my computer shut down this morning. And then, I forgot an important meeting with my clients. I came home with bad hair. 今天真是諸事不順!一開始是電腦在早上當機,接下來我又忘了和客戶有個重要的會議。最後心煩意亂的回到家。

原來,a bad hair day就是a day when everything seems to go wrong! (這天什麼事都不順),也可以用"It’s not my day!"來表達同樣沮喪的感受。


Is she having a bad hair day or what? I’ve never seen hair that color before! I don’t mean toget on her case, but I’ve never met anyone who canget on my nerveslike her!

get on one’s case「故意針對某人去挑毛病」。

get on one’s nerves「令人抓狂」。

你被難以整理的頭髮影響心情了?下回聽到人家說I had a bad hair day可別先急著安慰對方的髮型,要適時展現關心、表現同理心,示意對方你理解他/她倒楣的心情!


Clock in and Clock out, That Matters! 打卡不打卡?有差!


你有沒有這樣的經驗:朝九晚五上班族(nine-to-five worker),每天早上趕著打卡進公司(clock in);傍晚再盼望著快快打卡下班(clock out)。


許多從事設計和藝術方面的工作者,老闆或公司讓他們有自願的彈性上班時間,不受限於進公司打卡的朝九晚五。既然不用clock in / clock out,英文便直接將clock字尾再加上less,就有了clockless worker一詞:「彈性工時員工」。


As a graphic designer, I can work anywhere and anytime with my laptop. It’s fruitless to trap me in the office when I’m running out of creativity.

However, the downside of being a clockless worker is missing the bustle of my office. I’m usually out of sync with my coworkers because of my odd hours.

或許有些上班族會羨慕clockless workers在工時上享有的自由,但彈性工時者或許也想感受一下所謂的office politics「辦公室政治」來和同事多點時間相處喔!很多上班族可能對以下的內容並不陌生:下班時間到,不是整理好包包就可以輕鬆打卡離開,而是要把一些工作也帶回家。英文裡用extend(延伸)來描述「下班後繼日工作」:day-extender

當然,大家都不想當週末加班的員工!(weekend-extender)來看例句中的用法:Day-extenders might have to spend one to two hours working at home in the evenings. Sometimes, they may even become weekend-extenders!(回家後再繼續工作的人下班後,可能是每天晚上得撥出一到兩小時來工作。甚至還有可能連週末都在家裡加班!)


曾二度準確預測美股崩盤 Rodriguez預期下一次悲劇已不遠

投資人必須由Bob Rodriguez的角度來看美國股市。他曾二度預見了來襲的風暴,但卻二度遭到投資人的噓聲,還放棄了他所操作的共同基金。但他也曾二度採取行動,保護他的客戶,避開了降臨的危機。二度--第一次是1990年代的網路泡沫,第二次則是2008年的金融危機--Rodriguez都是正確的。
長期以來,他反對時尚型投資,結果獲利反而良多。過去25年,他的股票基金FPA Capital年報酬率達15%,擊敗眾家股票基金。他的公債基金FPA New Income從來不曾出現年度虧損。


害羞男、愛笑女 較有異性緣




Why Most Shampoos (w/ nutrients) are a waste of money?

Nutrient molecules are too large for hair cells to absorb.. Good point to know! 

But, at least, don't buy 'bad' shampoos.  I heard most of the P&G shampoos are actually detrimental to you hair, because of bad chemicals bad to your body and our environment.  They make our hair feeling smooth, but they can easily congest our hair follicles...  anyway, take a look at the following article first:

How To Grow Long, Healthy Hair and Keep It That Way

Why does this happen? Because the shampoo molecules they contain are too large to penetrate the cells of hair and more importantly the tiny hair follicles where our hair actually grows. They sit atop the follicle until we wash them away.It’s the dirty little secret shampoo companies don’t want you to know—when you wash your hair with one of those nutrient-rich shampoos, most of the nutrients and active ingredients in the product don’t actually end up in your hair, they wind up down the drain… along with all the money you spent on the shampoo.
Why is that a problem? Think about it this way—if you wanted to fertilize a plant, where would you pour the fertilizer? On the leaves? Of course not! You’d pour the fertilizer on the root and the soil where it’s needed most. Our hair works basically the same way—if you want to treat your hair right, you need to treat the roots.
But if regular shampoo can’t penetrate the hair follicles where our roots grow, what are we supposed to do?
Fortunately, a California company called Kronos decided to tackle this problem. Their team of researchers designed a more-effective shampoo—one that contains tiny microscopic spheres so small that they penetrate hair follicles and deliver nutrients to where they’re needed most.  They call it “T-Sfere Technology”.
Once they had solved the delivery method dilemma, they turned their attention to formulating ingredients that targetted the 5 most significant signs of damaged hair:
  1. Thinning hair that lacks volume
  2. Dry, frizzy, unmanageable hair
  3. Limp lackluster hair
  4. Damaged hair with split ends
  5. Hair with poor color retention
Does it work? Check out the results from the product’s clinical testing. In a recent study, the Kronos system was shown boost hair volume and body by an unprecedented 96%; increase hair hydration by 91%; improve luster and shine by 96%; reduce split ends and breakage by 96%; and virtually eliminate color fading for up to four weeks. It’s rare that a shampoo can provide so many amazing benefits.
Already, Kronos has quickly become one of the most talked about hair care systems out there. It was recently featured on the Today show and was rated the #1 Overnight Hair Treatment product by The Good Housekeeping Institute.
Currently, Kronos is not available at retail stores but is being exclusively distributed on DermStore.com, America’s #1 destination for skin care and beauty.  DermStore.com carries over 15,000 products from over 500 top brands and offers useful information from doctors, estheticians, and customers. 
Since Kronos is still relatively new, DermStore.com is offering a limited amount of highly discounted Kronos Shampoo and Conditioner kits to new customers only, so people can see the results for themselves before deciding whether or not they want to purchase Kronos products at full price. 
The special trial is offered for a limited time only.  To learn just how much you can currently save,click here to visit the Kronos products page at Dermstore.com.